Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Daily Agenda (Tagesordnung) - Wednesday 6th July 2016

Mr Cameron's last Daily Agenda!

Home Learning - Term 2 Week 10
- No HL =) Enjoy the last few days of term!

Reminders - Tomorrow is Day 1
- Tech / Arts


  1. Hello Mr Cameron!
    I hope you are enjoying Australia and being a PYP co-ordinator!
    I just wanted to tell you that our class (well the people who can come) are going to the movies, as a bonding experience together. I just thought you might have wanted to know. You can be sure we will give Ms Jacobs a warm welcome.

    Good Luck!

  2. Afternoon Meghana! Hope you have had a great holiday! What an amazing idea about the movies! How did it all work out?

    My 1st day is tomorrow - looking forward to the new challenge. I hope you are looking forward to starting back tomorrow. I know Ms Jacobs will be fantastic. Can you let the team know that there is a new post on the blog. Please feel free to let them know they can post any replies and i'll get back to them asap.#

    Keep up the great work! - Mr Cameron
