Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Deutsch - Lektion 7 - Duolingo - Group B & A

Duolingo.com - Learn languages completely free, without ads or hidden charges. It's fun, easy, and scientifically proven.

These are the instructions to join GroupBTeAroha2016

2. Select "I want to learn German".

5. Type in your First Name
School Email
Username = firstnameBNMS2016
then press Create Account

6. Go to your settings and press "Progress Sharing."

7. Type in the following exactly:

Share progress with: mcameron@berkley.school.nz
Section or Class: GroupB-TeAroha2016

8. Press Save Changes.

These are the instructions to join GroupATeAroha2016

2. Select "I want to learn German".

5. Type in your First Name
School Email
Username = firstnameBNMS2016
then press Create Account

6. Go to your settings and press "Progress Sharing."

7. Type in the following exactly:

Share progress with: mcameron@berkley.school.nz
Section or Class: GroupB-TeAroha2016

8. Press Save Changes.

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