Duolingo.com - Learn languages completely free, without ads or hidden charges. It's fun, easy, and scientifically proven.
These are the instructions to join GroupBTeAroha2016
Click Here - http://duolingo.com/o/zbgmgd
2. Select "I want to learn German".
5. Type in your First Name
School Email
Username = firstnameBNMS2016
then press Create Account
6. Go to your settings and press "Progress Sharing."
7. Type in the following exactly:
Share progress with: mcameron@berkley.school.nz
Section or Class: GroupB-TeAroha2016
8. Press Save Changes.
These are the instructions to join GroupATeAroha2016
Click Here - http://duolingo.com/o/jzgvta
2. Select "I want to learn German".
5. Type in your First Name
School Email
Username = firstnameBNMS2016
then press Create Account
6. Go to your settings and press "Progress Sharing."
7. Type in the following exactly:
Share progress with: mcameron@berkley.school.nz
Section or Class: GroupB-TeAroha2016
8. Press Save Changes.
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