Tuesday, 1 March 2016

UOI 1 - Who We Are - Summative Assessment Task

The Brief:

Our class is a unique and awesome community within our team, Te Aroha, and the wider, whole school community. 

Your task is to work in your group to research, select and design at least 3 different forms/methods in which you can communicate and reflect the relationships, values and diversity of your class community. 

How will you represent diversity? roles? & responsibility?

You will need to include a written blurb with each chosen design/method/form that explains/justifies your choices.

You will also need to prepare and present a 5 minute presentation explaining your inquiry/design process, your final selected methods/form and the thought behind each of them. This will be shared with the class, much like a professional marketing company would share a rebranding presentation.

Each group will present to the class and then a vote will be taken on which designs will be used to represent our class for 2016.

Task:  As a group Brainstorm / Unpack the following:

- What does it mean to be a part of Room 9? What images / symbols represent the diversity of our class?
- How do these concepts relate to us as a school?
- What message do you want others to gain from your designs?
- Brainstorm - What are some other ways that communities use/d designs/symbols or music/sounds to represent themselves?
- What kinds of information are conveyed in such designs/symbols/sounds/music? Discuss with your group and record your thoughts.

Getting ideas for your designs

Think about and make a list of:
- The things our class enjoys or likes doing
- The things our class are good at
- The things you would like our class to be known for
- What special strengths does our class have?
- Our class' values, attitudes, attributes?
- Countries/ origins of students within the class
- Special features of our class/ class environment or location
- Colours that are important to our class, the team, the school
- Now alongside your list draw symbols that match.

Getting your symbols and designs into larger shapes: - Shields, Coats of Arms, Flags or Logos

- Do several little thumbnail drawings (about 3 to 5cm high).
- Show your thumbnail drawings to a few other students then choose 2 or 3 that you like best.
- Draw these a little larger and a little more carefully.
- Try adding in a space or banner for your name or your motto.
- Show other people and invite their comments.
- Choose your favourite design.
- Using bold outlines, roughly copy or trace this design 2 or 3 times.
- Think about colours that are important to your class, team, school, wider community. Remember that light colours stand out against darker colours (contrast).
- Choose your colour scheme.
- Colour in the shapes.

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